Vitamin D Deficiency: The Other Pandemic

As Malaysia and many other countries struggle to control the Covid-19 pandemic, another health pandemic has gone under the radar: that of Vitamin D deficiency. 

A scientific paper published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states, “Vitamin D deficiency is now recognized as a pandemic.” What is a pandemic? The World Health Organization defines pandemic as a ““an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people.” 

This means that the Vitamin D deficiency pandemic has nothing to do with bacterias or viruses. Instead, it is simply a health problem that exists in all corners of the globe, affecting large populations of people. 

The Prevalence Of Vitamin D Deficiency 

Why is Vitamin D deficiency so prevalent worldwide? Well, a crucial reason provided by the study states that “Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D, and foods that are fortified with vitamin D are often inadequate to satisfy either a child’s or an adult’s vitamin D requirement.” 

Nowadays, to combat Vitamin D deficiency, foods like milk are fortified with Vitamin D, meaning that they have additional Vitamin D added into the formulation. 

The other way that we can get enough Vitamin D is through sunlight exposure. However, many people are simply unaware of this connection, and are thus spending far too much time indoors. The study found that “the lack of appreciation that sun exposure in moderation is the major source of vitamin D for most humans.” 

Diseases Associated With Vitamin D Deficiency 

Vitamin D is crucial for bone and muscle health, as well as that of healthy immune function. This means that Vitamin D deficiency may cause: 


  1. Increased risk of respiratory infections
  2. Increased risk of autoimmune diseases 
  3. Increased risk of cancers 

Vitaux Vitamin D Drops: The Solution For You And Your Child 

At BaBydoc, we want to tackle the Vitamin D deficiency pandemic head-on. This is why we have carefully formulated a Vitamin D drops product that allows you to mix Vitamin D into your everyday food and drinks. This is perfect for children and babies because it does not involve swallowing a tablet! 

Our Vitaux Vitamin D Drops is registered with the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, and is used at leading hospitals in the country. Get yours today and experience the BaBydoc difference for you and your family!  

Written by, Dr Ryner Lai

When A Cream Isn’t Just A Cream

Does your child suffer from an excessive swelling after a mosquito bite, or skin redness and itchiness after certain activities? All these indicate that your child may have sensitive skin that makes your child prone to eczema. 

The most common default prescription is a steroid-based cream. Steroid-based creams are popular because they can reduce the inflammation of the skin almost immediately. 

However, did you know that steroidal creams also come with negative side-effects? It is well-documented that the overuse of steroid-based creams may result in the thinning or darkening of the skin

To prevent these side-effects, most doctors advise parents to use moisturizing creams to moisturize the affected areas and to refrain from scratching. 

However, could there be a more effective solution? 

At BaBydoc, we strongly believe that your child deserves the best. We go through the latest science to craft high-quality products that produce powerful, positive results. 

Let’s take a look at an ingredient called BioFense and what it does to the skin. 

BioFense – The BaBydoc Difference 

In caring for young patients, especially those with sensitive skin, we at BaBydoc want to create a product that can be used by all skin types. 

In BioFense, we have discovered a scientifically-proven ingredient that is found to improve almost all parameters for skin enhancement. Here is what clinical studies have told us. 

1. BioFense reduces acne lesions and erythema (skin redness) 

The image below shows the effectiveness of BioFense in reducing the skin damage caused by acne and erythema (redness of the skin). 

2. BioFense increases skin barrier strength 

The diagram below shows the performance of BioFense in increasing the skin barrier strength over a testing period of 2 months. By increasing your child’s skin barrier, you are protecting your child’s skin from irritants and bacteria, ensuring that it remains soft and supple. 

3. BioFense displays anti-inflammatory properties

This diagram below shows that an increase in the concentrations of BioFense increases the skin’s ability to inhibit cell adhesion. This process then results in an overall reduction in the skin’s anti-inflammatory response, thus reducing skin redness and swelling. 


Due to the research on BioFense carried out by the Barnett Products Corporation, we have scientific evidence that BioFense: 

  1. Reduces skin damage caused by acne and erythema (skin redness).
  2. Increases skin barrier strength. 
  3. Displays anti-inflammatory response. 

A Final Word 

We have included BioFense in two of our popular BaBydoc products: Our BaBydoc Intensive Cream and our BaBydoc Bio Cream. Both of these products are crafted with you and your child in mind so that they can have smooth and supple skin, day in and day out. Purchase our products today and feel the difference yourself! 

Remember, at BaBydoc, your child deserves the best.

Written by, Dr Ryner Lai

Things You May Not Know About The BabyDoc Intensive Cream

Here at Babydoc, we are passionate about creating medically-approved products that have you and your baby first in mind. We firmly believe that your child deserves the best. We think outside the box to create the best products to give your baby the care that he or she deserves.


Our Babydoc Intensive Cream is one of our bestselling products. It is meant for babies or even adults with sensitive skin. Want to know what makes it so special? Read on to learn about 3 things that you may not have known about the Babydoc intensive cream.


Strengthens The Skin

One key ingredient in the Babydoc Intensive Cream is an ingredient called Biofense. This powerful ingredient has many skin-protective qualities. Studies have shown that this ingredient can repair the skin barrier, making your skin stronger. It can also reduce acne and redness of the skin.


Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Babydoc Intensive Cream contains the CM-Glucan Forte, an award-winning ingredient that has been clinically proven to reduce inflammation. It works by enhancing the immune system and repressing biological pathways that can lead to allergic reactions. This means that it works very effectively in reducing redness-inducing skin allergies.


Intensively Moisturizing

Don’t you just love it when you find a moisturizing cream that leaves your skin feeling soft and supple? Babydoc Intensive Cream contains a number of active moisturizing ingredients, such as Zemea, Lecigel, glycerin, olive oil, shea butter, and more. In particular, shea butter has been used for centuries and is a well-known moisturizer. All these ingredients combine to make your baby’s skin smooth and soft.



Babydoc Intensive Cream uses the finest clinically-test ingredients to ensure that your baby’s skin receives the best care. Experience the difference with Babydoc today! You can order the Babydoc Intensive Cream online here.